Why choose goodwood panels?
When buying from online retailers, shipping is either included into the final pricing or it's separated out. Shipping panels can be very expensive because of their shape and size. Goodwood Panels only sells local. That means there is no shipping costs or burden on the consumer, and that's why we have such a competitive price! Not only are we less expensive but you get a bigger size panel for your buck. We can also arrange delivery anywhere along the Wasatch front.
Slat wood wall panel specs
Our slats are made with a natural veneer finish with a backing that is 100% recycled eco-friendly felt material. Each panel is hand made. Panels not only look great but they have superior sound absorption and have fire resistance characteristics. These slat panels are great for accent walls, studios, conference rooms, etc.
Panel sizes
Panels come in 9ft x 2ft. Each box contains two panels for a total of 9ft x 4ft (36sqft).
Easily attach panels to wall with either drywall screws or an adhesive. Slats can also be cut vertically or horizontally to fit in desired space.